In any type of commercial endeavor, a business plan is as indispensable as air is to people. Ü Mengatur dan membentuk kerjasama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan lain yang sudah ada dan saling menguntungkan misalnya dari para produsen yang dapat diharapkan memasok barang buat perusahaan anda ataupun perusahaan-perusahaan yang lebih besar memberi pekerjaan atau kontrak yang dapat dikerjakan oleh perusahaan anda.

In addition, the media will be more than willing to promote the charitable aspectsof Capital Bubble Tea Cafe and provide the opportunity for more exposure every timeCapital Bubble Tea Cafe writes a check to another organization.Pricing StrategyCapital Bubble Tea Cafe pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with thevalue-added feature of immediate convenience.Promotion StrategyThe long-range goal is to gain enough visibility to leverage the product line into other regions and generate inquiries from potential plan

Move over trendy coffee drinks and make way for the new drink craze that is going on right now, especially in communities with largeAsian the last year or so, Bubble Tea has moved beyond their roots in the predominatelyAsian suburbs and gained in popularity across the World.

It may be possible to lease some of theequipment needed and drinks companies such as Coca-Cola may offer advantageousrental terms for drinks will be necessary to register your business with the environmental health department of your local authority at least 28 days prior to commencing trade.Sourcing supplies will be an important consideration, particularly due to the specialistnature of bubble tea.

Ada tiga strategi penentuan harga yaitu : skimming pricing (harga awal produk yang ditetapkan setinggi mungkin untuk menunjukkan kualitas produk tersebut), penetration pricing (harga awal produk yang ditetapkan serendah mungkin bertujuan menguasai pasar), dan status quo pricing (harga yang ditetapkan disesuaikan dengan harga pesaing).